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At Eazed Apparel, our goal is to provide the mind and body a sense of ease during stressful, anxious, or mentally challenging times. We value your mental wellbeing and hope to provide comfort and support.



As a psychology student at the University of South Florida, Kelli learned how intertwined the physiological and emotional responses are. She has experienced it first hand from being diagnosed with anxiety and depression her sophomore year of high school. After years of therapy and trying to find methods to relieve her nervous system-breathing, yoga, journaling, screaming, singing, dancing, painting, and others- she found that in certain environments, there was no accessible outlet for the influx of stress. She couldn't roll out a yoga mat during her class presentation or pull out her journal in the middle of a family party. With the creation of Eazed's stress cuff, she can now direct those anxiety-related behaviors (e.g., picking nails or fabric) into the designated area. This hoodie is designed to be more than comfort and style, it's a friend for the nervous system.   


Kelli C


A percentage of profits is annually donated to ADAA- Anxiety and Depression Association of America

Mental health is our top priority at Eazed Apparel. By donating to this wonderful organization and actively advocating on social media, we contribute to the efforts of ending mental health stigma. From funding research, educating communities, and providing health care, ADAA is changing lives. 


Eazed Apparel is so incredibly grateful for your contributions, and we hope our hoodies can support you as much as you support us ♥

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